I’ve been given a Brillante Weblog award by Pam at: http://fortheloveofcooking-recipes.blogspot.com/
Thank you so much, Pam, I appreciate it.
The rules for receiving the award are as follows:
- Post the logo on your blog.
- Add a link to the person who nominated you.
- Nominate 5 other people for this award and add links to their blogs.
- Leave a message for the people you've nominated
These are just a few of the cooking blogs I like to visit. They all make delicious food as well as sharing interesting, and amusing insights into their lives. And thank you all for the lovely comments you leave on my blog. Long may we continue to visit.
Paula at http://itsallgouda.blogspot.com/
Emiline at http://www.visionsofasugarplum.com/
Come on down!
Thanks Jan! That is so kind of you. I love reading your blog also.
I was gonna give it to you but Pam beat me to it! LOL
You deserve that award Jan, congrats!
Many thanks for passing it on to me.
WHoops, how did I miss this?
You must think I'm an idiot.
Thank you so much!
Congrats to you!
Hi Jan! First, congratulations on your award! You deserve it; I so look forward to your posts! Next, thank you so much for giving me the award; it was a nice surprise! My face is red because I had responded to you on my blog, instead of here! I'll get the hang of this blogging stuff yet! I've been gone for a couple of days, but am home again, and getting caught up.
Getting caught up includes that I just went grocery shopping and stocked up to make your pasta and salami salad. Of course my son is a salami fiend and is quite willing to devour it asap!
Thanks again for the award! That was very kind of you to give it to me.
Lisa, you're very welcome. I'm glad you like the blog.
Cheryl, thanks for thinking of me anyway.
Jan, thanks. You're welcome. I really enjoy your blog, even if I do envy you your Greek holidays.
Em, no I don't think you're an idiot. You're very busy, and you get a lot of comments on your blog. It must be difficult keeping up with them all.
Paula, you're welcome. And thanks for your kind comments about my blog. I hope you enjoy the salad.
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