Also, I want to thank Pam at for kindly allowing me to use her recipe for Portabella Burgers in my recent article about a mushroom farm. If you’re interested you can find the article and Pam’s recipe here:
This recipe for potato salad features baby red potatoes from our garden, which were absolutely delish – still are in fact, as we haven’t used them all yet. Tragically the plants did die, but we were able to harvest a decent amount of new potatoes before they finally popped their clogs. Fortunately, however, our robust russets are robust and thriving, so many more spuds to come.
Potato Salad

2 lbs. red potatoes, unpeeled
1 rib celery, sliced
¼ of a red onion, sliced
3 hard-boiled eggs, sliced
¼ cup plain yogurt
¼ cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
Black pepper, to taste
Dash of paprika
- Cut potatoes into halves or quarters depending on size, place in a saucepan and bring to boil over a high heat. Reduce heat to medium-high and boil gently for 10 – 15 minutes until potatoes are slightly tender. Don’t overcook or you’ll end up with mashed potato salad. Boil eggs while potatoes cook.
- Allow eggs to cool in cold water. Drain potatoes, and leave to cool for 10 – 15 minutes.
- In a small bowl mix together yogurt, mayonnaise, vinegar, mustard, and black pepper.
- Put potatoes in a salad bowl with the celery, onions, and eggs. Add the dressing and toss gently to coat. Cover and chill in the refrigerator until ready to serve.
- Before serving sprinkle with a little paprika.
Jan, I should read my posts before I hit publish!
Your salad is sooo pretty and delicious looking- I love that you used yogurt in it! Yum!
This potato salad looks so fresh and delicious.
Your potato salad looks so delicious. Great choice.. yogurt. Missed you around these parts:)
I'm really trying to like potatoes!!! I think I may be reaching a crossroads!! I nearly tried a roast potato the other day (ie put it on my plate, but it didn't go in my mouth - one step at a time!)
Thanks for your shout out and link Jan. Your artical was a really good read.
I am loving the large chunks in your potato sald. Looks delicious.
Popped their Clogs, I love it! This salad looks great too, I dont really have a recipe for tater salad!
Great potato salad!
Yeah, you're back! So you're a tennis fan! Perhaps next year will be there year that the British sweep the tournament!
In the meantime, I'd love multiple servings of this potato salad. I've been enjoying yogurt more, so the timing is perfect for me to give it a try. Plus, it has eggs in it and you know my obsession with those things! YUM! :-)
Hi Jan how are you? Lovely potato salad it looks so very tasty.
this looks rather divine.I am rather fond of potato salad but sadly it is not terribly fond of me at the moment ( gallstones). Maybe if I hold the mayo- but then its not the same!!
Hey Jan, how's tricks? Lovely potato salad there.
Just checking on you to make sure everything is okay. Hope all is well.
where are you? You are very quiet
Jan, that's one yummy looking potato salad! Looks lovely.
Hi Jan ... Just checking in. Hope all is well.
Miss You!
Hi Jan,
Miss you.....
Since I'm the Idaho potato girl I'll be sure and try out this delicious looking recipe. I'll bet it's yummy!
Visited your June posting too, I'll call today. I hope all is well with you.
Bye now, Vicky :)
Hi Jan ... I'm sending out a search party! Miss You! Hope all is well and that you are just super busy writing. :-)
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