Until I started doing research for this article, I had no idea what a complex process growing mushrooms is. If you’re interested you can take a short video tour of a mushroom farm here: http://www.mushroominfo.com/aboutmushrooms/howmushroomsgrow.html
The site also has lots of information about mushrooms, and some great recipes.
I did include a recipe for portabella burgers with the artcle, but this one was courtesy of Pam at:
http://fortheloveofcooking-recipes.blogspot.com/ Thanks so much for allowing me to use your recipe, Pam, you’re a brick.
Today’s recipe, however, contains no mushrooms. It’s based on a recipe I saw in the BBC Good Food newsletter for Spanish Potatoes, I changed it up a bit and called it Mediterranean Potatoes. These were super, the leftovers were also good cold, so you could serve them as a potato salad during the summer.
Mediterranean Potatoes

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
4 tablespoons tomato paste
1 tablespoon paprika
A few dashes of hot sauce, Franks or Tabasco
2 lbs. russet potatoes, cut into chunks
1 bulb (head) of garlic, leave skin on but top and tail each clove.
Cracked black pepper, to taste
Juice of ½ a lemon
A handful of chopped parsley
- Put potatoes in a medium sized saucepan, cover with water and bring to boil. Reduce heat to medium high and par-boil for 4 –5 minutes or until potatoes are very slightly softened. Drain and allow to cool.
- Pre-heat oven to 375°F
- When potatoes are cool, mix olive oil, tomato paste, paprika, and hot sauce in a large bowl, add potatoes and stir to coat.
- Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to a roasting pan and heat in oven. When oil is hot carefully add potatoes and garlic cloves to pan, and season with cracked pepper.
- Roast for about 40 minutes, turning half way through cooking, or until potatoes are crispy on the outside. Sprinkle over the lemon juice and roast for a further 5 minutes.
- Transfer potatoes to a warm serving dish, sprinkle with parsley and serve.
Jan, these look so delicious! I love potatoes and this is a new way to try them. Thanks for posting this! I can't wait to try these!
this is just how my husband likes his potatoes - perfect doneness
Oh Jan, these potatoes look amazing. My husband would love them because he LOVES Frank's Red Hot Sauce.
Thanks again for using my recipe for your article - you made my day.
Yummy, these do look quite tempting! I love the color too!
Oh my, I think that I would eat ALL of these. And then lick the plate! They look and sound scrumptious! Hope you are all recovered now, and congrats on completing your interview and article! :-)
That looks amazing, I love new tater recipes!
These potatoes sound incredible. I love the addition of the Red Hot Sauce. I am certain theyd be a hit here.
Those potatoes look fabulous! So glad I wandered over! They are not only gorgeous, but I can imagine they're tasty too.. definitely plenty of flavor there!
Glad you're feeling better too!
I love potatoes, I never tire of eating them. This looks like a great one to try!
Jan - Sorry to hear you've not been well recently {{hugs}}
I am really loving this potato recipe of yours!!!
I'm glad you're back. Hope you are doing well!
The potatoes look delicious. I love how much paprika they have in them. Yum!
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